Uniquely tripped out and glorious Post-House music from Brooklyn's Blondes. In the space of three singles, this one included, they've established a very individual and plush sound, refracting various strains of groovesome House music with a cannily psychedelic style. There's something richly organic yet strangely synthetic to their basslines on each single so far, and here 'Business' is imbued with the very same quality, a buoyant, spongy springiness which seems to absorb the kicks while keep the simmering drums and soaring synth arpeggios afloat. Flipside 'Pleasure' straddles a shadowy line between darker intentions and Housed-up optimism, layering brooding, droney bass sounds under ambiguously uplifting keys and synth surges, unfolding like a spiked Levon Vincent track in the course of realising it's feeling a bit f**ked. Aces."