Fourth time's a charm! And with his latest EP Forward 4 that's the number of times Feadz has now appeared on BPitch Control. Frenchman Feadz is cultivating a musical preference for Berlin -- a town where he needn't complain about any lack of support. 'Feadz and I were both booked for a DJ set in Berlin,' says Ellen Allien about their first encounter. 'On listening to him I couldn't help but notice that he's an excellent DJ. We spent the next day together and walked all around Berlin. It was rather enchanting to chat with him about music and dreams. Then he said that he'd love to produce a record for us -- on which we shook hands! When the demo arrived it literally knocked me off my chair. I'm an ultimate Feadz fan!' With his DJ sets in Brazil, Japan and the rest of the world, the former B-Boy Feadz diverts us with a storm -- from wound-up techno to eccentric hip hop. It's a lovely spectacle when, just for a brief moment, Feadz allows himself the luxury of adding an almost-forgotten electro track to the mix. In spite of his turntable virtuosity he bites his lower lip in concentration before hopping back fleet-footedly to his vinyl case. When he returns home to Paris, Feadz gets right down to the machinery. He happens to be in close contact with his friend M. Oizo, who invited him to do the scratches for his all-time classic album Analog Worms Attack. He also wasn't willing to do without Feadz' strategic advice for his next album. In his role as producer the 'classic' Feadz is impulsive and intricate -- to great effect. The tracks are based on short, rhythmically defined motifs. They are cut up into tiny pieces and confronted with all kinds of imaginable variations and shifts, which always proves to be powerful and effective on the dance floor. Even though it sometimes doesn't sound like it, Feadz' tracks are in 4/4 -- so let's count in...One... : In 'On All Fours' Feadz plays cat and mouse with techno -- in this trap the cheese just keeps getting more and more ripe and stinky! Two...: 'Resurector' offers some groovy, slippery hip hop with melodies from the slot machine that are mixed with some lively, serrated electro parts. Whoever can explain to me how Feadz managed to mix this all together so neatly gets an ice-cream! Three...: 'Uffie & Me' culminates in a wound-up ragga-beat hymn with a euphoric keyboard curling around it like a festoon. Four...: On 'Truc Tendu' one way-out rhythm beats the next! This mind-expanding puzzle catapults us right to the doors of perception. But as the doors fly open, Feadz heads once more into a completely different direction to then land with some four (and more) letter words back in his very own BPitch territory.
a1 On All Four
a2 Resurector
b1 Uffie & Me
b2 Truc Tendu