After his glorious start at Kompakt with the 12inch 'Jet/Shelter' (which is already proofed to be a real club banger) he now comes up with a mouthwatering new one taken from his album Was ist Musik. The track on the A-side, '2 after 909', is definitely a homage to 'Metro Area 4', one of the groundbreaking consense records in 2001. Koehncke destils and synthesizes the funk. The result: it's minimal, it's retro-modern, it's ecstatic. In other words: It's a real bomb! The track on the B-side features a prominent guest of the German pop music scene: Tocotronic's Dirk von Lowtzow. Dirk and Justus, singing a duet, dash forward with the track 'Weil du mich verstehst' (engl. 'Because you know me') and straight into our hearts. It's a ballad. It's about love ... an ode to the children of the night.