The thing with the Delikatessen label, apart from the obvious eye for a sleeve and an impeccable roster, is their inspiring ability to extract the finest work from those artists contributing to their mighty fine 10" series. Following blistering material from Lusine, Crunch and Metamatics, Lilienthal steps up and delivers this genuinely surprising 4 tracker. Surprising, if we're being totally honest, because their previous work has seemed to us as nothing more than succesfully derivative, and somewhat uninspired. Drop into `Kitty Hawk', however, and you find yourself immersed in a deep, scattered percussion-lite, and a firey warm glow of a melody, all executed with that unnamed factor that turns good, atmospheric tunes into great ones. Gorgeous stuff. `Compactor', meanwhile, unfolds a more understated underbubble, perhaps influenced by metamatics with its nostalgic references and bittersweet turns, melancholy loveliness executed perfectly. 4 tracks, essential stuff once again from Delikatessen.