inventory find! no idea what color this as there is no indication on the jacket - "You turn down a dark alley seeking refuge from the sweltering heat of the factories that line the city streets. As you wind down through a maze of alleyways, darkness falls and the sky glows a toxic orange. You hear music coming behind a door at the end of a dark and narrow tunnel. You know that once you open the door and descend into a world beneath the concrete, you will never be the same. This is The City Under The City, a new collaboration from producer L'Orange and Topeka, KS MC Stik Figa. Through the music and lyrics, Mello Music Group teams up with L'Orange and Stik Figa to take you on a dark and abstract journey through a realm that lies under the surface . Guest features include haunting verses from Rapsody, Open Mike Eagle, MindsOne, Has-Lo, 7evenThirty and yU as well as cuts from DJ IRon."