2023 reissue, originally released in 1975. Recorded in September 1975 at Columbia Studio, Story of Wind Behind Left is a symphonic poem in the shape of a suite. In the album, Masahiko Togashi uses music to communicate the same feelings evoked by nature. The drummer demonstrates unique composition and performance skills in the way he imitates the sounds of nature or takes inspiration from nature itself to make music. With Story of Wind Behind Left, Masahiko Togashi revolutionized the Japanese jazz scene. The record includes an insert with the original liner notes translated into English.
A1 | 風の来る予感 = Premonition Of Wind's Coming |
A2 | さらなる出会い = Reunion |
A3 | それから = And Then |
B1 | 身の上話 = Life Story Of Wind |
B2 | 通りすきてゆくもの = Those Passing Things |
B3 | そしてまたくるもの = Things That Will Come Again |