Embarking on another excursion to the land of deepest 4/4, Shackleton seems to have settled into a very rich and fertile furrow of late. 'Death is not final' focuses the sound into a headstrong direction, laying the route with insanely deadly kickdrum pressure which will work so well on a massive system you might just need to upgrade your hardware to capture the full breadth and devastating impact of the production. Shackleton weaves his percussion into limb flailing shapes over, under, and through the rhythm in a synaesthetic ecstasy, layering textures and tones in his inimitable style. Now, rarely does Shackleton get challenged for supremacy on any records he features on, but on the flip he's found a mighty contender. T++, another fan of the unique Skull Disco sound and a fellow forward thinking rhythm aesthete who has long been more or less at the pinnacle of producer's who elicit feverish responses round these parts offers up probably his finest track to date, and considering the amount we've verbally gushed over this guy, that's saying something. T++ takes Shackleton's original for a quick jaunt down the Hades and well into the next life with a stunning techno revision, riding rock hard subbass depth charges with a grasp of rhythmic movement like no one else, switching between Autechre style convolutions and hardcore styled brokebeats and back, while deeply humid atmospheric conditions created from dense thickets of synth signals ominously threaten to unleash their load. The double refraction of ideas back and forth from Berlin, to Skull Disco and back again is simply shocking and supremely productive.