On-trend and frequently exhilarating dancefloor machinations from Slava , RIYL Jam City, Rushmore, Machinedrum, L-Vis, MikeQ et al. At once more savvy and more stripped-down than last year's mellifluous post-footwork fever-dream, Soft Control, the tracks that make up Raw Solutions were all recorded in single takes on a Korg Electribe ESX, and it shows - tracks like 'On It' go right for the club's jugular and are shorn of all the fussy/flashy production tricks that plague most club music in 2013. The Russian-born, Brooklyn-based producer cites "pop, R&B, hip-hop, vogue house, British Bass and ambient" as hi influences, and there's also a clear debt to the ruffest Chicago tackle, from early jack trax through to potty-mouthed Dancemania 'floor-splackers. Oh, and the cover art is a love-it-or-hate-it you-sure-won't-forget it creation by designers Dora Budor and Maja Cule.