The Green’s new album, Marching Orders, has all the relaxed guitar riffs, lush vocals, and nostalgic lyrics you could hope for in an early fall release. With the members of The Green’s varying instrumentations and awe-inspiring harmonies, Marching Orders isn't the kind of fall album you'll have playing in the background, but the kind you’ll have blaring from your car or through your headphones. Marching Orders demands your explicit attention.
The most distinctive aspect of The Green’s sound are from vocalists Caleb, Zion, JP, Ikaika and Brad’s well defined singing styles. These vocals are as present on Marching Orders as on any of the band's previous albums and contribute to the warm atmosphere the tracks generates. Most notably, on collaboration track “Good Feeling,” JP’s voice seductively compliments the song's chorus, sung by Eric Rachmany from Rebelution. The second track titled “I Will” leads the listener even further down into the album’s musical output, and again this song manages to retain the band’s prominent style while still unearthing new avenues in order to stand on its own and have its creative prowess be front and center.