Maverick A&R and world famous recluse Tim "Love" Lee returns to his own long running Tummy Touch imprint for a brand new 12" of remixes, rehashings, and outright re-lashings of his track "The World May Shudder At My Joy", taken from the modular synth orgy that was 2005's "Against Nature" LP. Enlisting the remix help of the prolific DC Recordings head honcho J. Saul Kane (better known as Depth Charge) - the 12" kicks off with a throbbing stew of eerie synths, off kilter drum breaks, laser blasts, and reeling noise patterns. Tim's own re-working - "The World May Shudder At My Percussion" follows with a bacchanal hand-drum explosion complete with hyperactive cowbell and fruitcake shouts that round off the A-side. On the flip, "The World May..." gets the treatment from Spacemen 3's Sonic Boom who teams up with Mr. Lee for an absolute monster remix with crushing drums, deconstructed synthesizer screams and a plethora of swirling electronics . Like Swervedriver took Mushrooms and recorded for Mo' Wax - but not really. Finishing the 12" off is the DJ Tool - "Jaded Sophisticate" continuing the pasticcio of analogue synth warbles, wobbles and wiggles that characterized the "Against Nature Album"