On the surface, this isn't as essential a release as other BBC sessions LPs. Because the Cocteaus used drum machines, the backing tracks and the rhythms replicate the known versions much more than other bands forced to record live in the studio. Yet BBC Sessions is still a whopper of a treat for fans and the uninitiated, that builds and builds until one is overcome with unspeakable, barely understood emotions.
A1 | Wax And Wane |
A2 | Garlands |
A3 | Alas Dies Laughing |
A4 | Feathers-Oars-Blades |
A5 | Hearsay Please |
A6 | Dear Heart |
B1 | Blind Dumb Deaf |
B2 | Hazel |
B3 | The Tinderbox (Of A Heart) |
B4 | Strage Fruit |
B5 | Hitherto |
B6 | From The Flagstones |