"Faitiche presents Jan Jelinek's Temple. This mini-LP is the final installment in a series of four vinyl compilations that bring together the wide variety of Jelinek's music: commissioned works, live recordings, collaborations with other musicians as well as unreleased material from the last five years. As was the case with two tracks that appeared on the 2012 mini-LP Music for Fragments, Temple stems from a collaboration with French-Canadian choreographer Sylvain Émard. "Temple" is a re-worked excerpt of the music for the dance piece "Fragments -- Volume I." The Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples (G.E.S.) welcomes a new member: Helmut Schmidt samples his way through the middle-class canon of values and assembles collages of Messiaen and Debussy (or is that Bach and Milhaud?), which are once again played back in public spaces and recorded anew. A backdrop of gambling unites the recordings: the playback locations chosen by Helmut Schmidt are Geneva, Baden-Baden and Bad Homburg -- a triumvirate of bourgeois casino tradition."