Given the title of his new 12", you certainly wouldn't want Jay Haze joining the St. John's Ambulance. He seems to have a pretty shaky grasp on the mechanics of resuscitation. Let's try not to think about it. I mean, that's a fast track to E. coli if ever there was one. The lead track here relies upon a spittle spraying human beatbox setup, leyered and built into a more conventional techno framework. As a bonus, Mr Haze lays his working methods bare for an a cappella version too. As tends to be the case when he puts his name to something, the Villalobos co-production on the B-side elevates the overall quality of the release, pulling off that elusive trick of making something sound simultaneously crisp and effortlessly soft. As you'd expect, there's so much more depth and detail to the track than you'd get from a less remarkable producer.... Limited copies.A*s To Mouth A*s To Mouth (A Cappella) Free-Ride