If like us you're still recovering from the ecstatic onslaught of Marcus Schmickler's recent Peter Rehberg collaboration on PAN, prepare to be hospitalised again, this time by Shmickler in partnership with a different laptop magus, Germany's Thomas Lehn. Coming courtesy of Mego, it's a live recording of a 6-channel loudspeaker concert of improvised electronic music given in November 2010 at Aanen Lumo Festival for New Sounds on Suomenlinna Island, Helsinki. No editing, mixing or post-production has been applied to the recording, which makes the spatial dynamism and all-round wallop of the sounds it captures all the more remarkable. Across its 46-minute duration, we're variously reminded of the digital battery, analogue experimentation and all-round patch-craft of Keith Fullerton Whitman, Jim O'Rourke and Ben Vida, the sub-heavy techno industrialism of Pan Sonic and occasionally the all-out malevolent power electronics of William Bennett and Dominick Fernow. Richly satisfying stuff, essential for fans of extreme and uncompromising electronic music.1 Live Double Seance [Antaa Kalojen Uida]