Philadelphia's two-man crew [Pink Skull](http://www.myspace.com/pinkskulltheband), perhaps best known for their most amazing remix of fellow Philly act [Spank Rock](http://www.myspace.com/spankrock) with the so-nasty so-good rap from [Amanda Blank](http://www.myspace.com/littleamandablank), has triumphantly returned with `Drugs Will Keep Us Together', their first release since '06's LP `Blast Yr Akk'. `Drugs Will Keep Us Together' is one tech house banger fresh from the hardware - Pink Skull delivers not only the grinding frequencies and fierce basslines, but melodic hand-in-the-air synth rifts on top. Is this modern day psychedelica? Go pop some allergy medication, crank that Pink Skull and cuddle with your man 'cause drugs (and dance music) will keep y'all together.