Planet Mu presents the debut album from the reclusive Remano Eszildn. The Scottish-born musician currently resides in Bristol, although there is no sign of any dubstep, wonky, bass-line or sub-bass action on this release. R-Tracks delivers more than enough killer material to satisfy. Soft, gentle synths and warm pads bounce away over tight, plucky beats while fast, arpeggiated leads rush through the various compositions.
Knight Rider-esque rhythms lead into the opener "R-Track." "Countdown to Meltdown" is a full-blown agoraphobic nightmare with gothic overtones, sure to make the listener anxious even in the most calming situations. This music takes machine rhythms to new emotive levels, with the attention to detail luring one back for repeated listens. Great electronic music with a nostalgic edge.
A1 R-Track
A2 Kinnoull
A3 J-Track
A4 Rap Trap Bond
A5 Gulamag
A6 S-Track
A7 The Brink
B1 Countdown To Meltdown
B2 Audio80
B3 Telistrex
B4 Memory Mirror
B5 Momentary Present
B6 R-Bottin
B7 Wavaslek
B8 Synfinality III
B9 Alterant Arch
B10 Parallelatron
B11 Listening Picture