maybe last copies ever of this MASSIVE classic?! Plain sleeve version, and not the 10th anniversary edition...
"'Witness (One Hope)' is a self-produced, bruising, squelching, rearing monster of an electronic tune. A dubwise, punk-funk retort to everyone who argues that hip hop is about old jazz breaks and nothing else. With the tune given even greater momentum by Roots' rapping, the whole reels along with such energy that it's easy to ignore a lyric which draws its imagery from everywhere from the Pentecostal church, roots reggae records, London lingua and, of course, Rodney's own unique imagination. A taster for his forthcoming album, `Run Come Save Me', `Witness' sets the pace for hip hop not just in the UK but worldwide - fearsomely original in both content and execution, you won't have heard anything like this before.
To add to the mayhem, label-mate Part 2 smoothes out some of the edges of the original and turns the track into a chill-out classic on his "Part 2 In The Flesh" remix. One to sit back and bob your head to after the mania of the original, this little epic also underlines the versatility of Mr Smith's voice and the beauty of his tone. The package is completed by an exclusive track - "Son Of The Soil". Another chance for Mr Manuva to set out exactly who he is in his own sweet way, this time over a clown-car of a beat, all bubble trills, horn stabs and bar-room piano bonhomie.A1 Witness (1 Hope) B1 Witness (Part 2 In The Flesh Mix) Remix - Part 2 B2 Son Of The Soil