The first installment in a compendium of the "robot disco" sound, seen through the eyes of contemporary electronic musicians Daniel Wang (Balihu, Environ, Ghostly), DMX Krew (Rephlex, Turbo, Breakin'), Ectomorph (Interdimensional Transmissions), and Lowfish (Suction Records, Satamile).Tangent 2002: Disco Nouveau is a compendium of the "robot disco" sound seen through the eyes of 14 contemporary electronic musicians. The Disco in question, or "Disko" as it is often referred to, is the electronic dance music of the late 1970's and early 1980's spawned from the icy textures and synthesized basslines of Giorgio Moroder. This music harkens back to an era of colorful futurism and encompasses the the boom of video game culture and also perhaps the last great visual futurist agenda that has succeeded in changing our commerical landscape, from typefaces to fashion. Visions of both optimism coupled with the hope/fear of a computerized tomorrow, define an era that will be remembered for excess and vanity, and for it's innovation and dream-like plasticity.