*10 Track vinyl edition feat Pariah, Lone, Untold, Blawan, Airhead and more - plus the full 2cd inside* R&S restart their legendary 'In Order To Dance' compilation series with a 22-track overview of their current roster; a UK Bass-centric selection including Pariah, Lone, James Blake, Space Dimension Controller, Vondelpark, Bullion, Blawan and more, with an exclusive Oneohtrix remix to boot! Since remerging with the scene in a big way around 2009, R&S tastes have clearly tended towards the UK underground, largely sidestepping more linear 4/4 House and Techno for music with pop, bump, grind and soul, all within neatly defined electronic parameters. The highlights are waist deep across both discs. Of the first we'd have to single out the likes of Bullion's psych-pop revision for Model 500's 'OFI', the bittersweet rudeness of Lone's 'Coreshine Voodoo', James Blake's swooning 'CMYK', Blawan's rogue acid mission 'Bohla' or SDC's magical 'Transatlantic Landing Bay' for some love, but save some for the exclusive-packed second disc. Here we're seduced with SDC's 'The Birth Of A Feeling', pumped with Blawan's ghoulish 'Shader' and completely put under the spell of a Oneohtrix remix for Pariah's 'Orpheus' - no doubt the most beautiful thing on here and displaying a refreshingly dynamic new approach from the underground hero. For your health!
A Pariah (9) - Left Unsaid Written-By, Producer - Arthur Cayzer
B1 Space Dimension Controller - The Birth Of A Feeling Written-By, Producer - Space Dimension Controller
B2 Airhead (5) - Lightmeters Written-By, Producer - Airhead (5)
C1 Untold - U-29 Written-By, Producer - Dan Foat, Nathan Boddy
C2 Bullion - Ralph Written-By, Producer - Bullion
D1 Blawan - Shader Written-By, Producer - Jamie Roberts
D2 Pariah (9) - Orpheus (Oneohtrix Point Never Subliminal Cops Edit) Remix, Producer [Additional] - Oneohtrix Point Never Written-By, Producer - Arthur Cayzer
E Chain, The - Suffer For Your Art Written-By, Producer - Dan Foat, Nathan Boddy
F1 Klaus (25) - Tarry Written-By, Producer - N. Sigsworth
F2 Lone (2) - Cobra