The fact that the variety of Pop Ambient has been growing slowly as only some ingredients were added over the years proves the implicit timelessness inherent in Pop Ambient. And at the same time, there is this fast moving, rebellious brother Techno regarded as being its complete opposite. So that's why you will notice here and there, somewhere in the crackling round dance of strings and fanfares, a guitar without a guitar player. Or maybe a little acid bell that invites you to stay by the side of the road for a little while. Pop Ambient music neither wants to re-invent itself all the time nor to change direction even faster than a string sent from heaven needs to come down to earth. No, this string is actually floating in mid-air, carried by the invisible wind of eternity." Features: The Orb, Markus Guenter, GAS, Triola, Pass Into Silence, Popnoname, DJ Koze, Andrew Thomas, Klimek, Peter Grummich, Ulf Lohmann, Thomas Fehlmann.