Superb unter-pop pickings from Planet Mu's new signing, Clermont-Ferrand-hailing Matthieu Le Berre aka Vezelay. We'll be the first to admit that Planet Mu's dalliances with pop music haven't always hit the spot for us, but this one is a far simpler, and by turns a far more successful effort. Le Berre is ticking all the right boxes, hinting at BoC like harmonic wooze on 'Archetype', or Junior Boys-meeting-Autechre on the lovely opener 'Sedative', but we'd be more inclined to file his sound closer to Tri Angle's R&B/Soul sensitivities than anything else. The sparse ambient melancholy and svelte structuring of 'Demure' has more in common with Holy Other, while the title track occupies a dreamier R&B headspace shared with o0o00 and the falsetto vocals waver somewhere between Tom Krell and Jeremy Greenspan. The 'Lyre EP' is an undoubtedly impressive debut from one of the most promising new artists in Planet Mu's ever expanding roster.A1 Sedative A2 Demure A3 Archetype B1 Lyre B2 Homeboy B3 Coma